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Small Space, BIG Impact

Hello Hello!

Maybe you haven’t downsized…..yet. But at some point in your life, you will likely downsize an aging parent, or just decide yourself that you basically need fewer rooms in a home and want less to maintain.

But HOW do you work within these confines?

Last blog post I did discuss some of the “how tos”, but in the process of editing what you have, I don’t want you to think you are taking the heart and soul out of you and your home in order to do this.

Some of the challenges of smaller spaces are:

*Less storage

*Less Wall and tabletop/shelf space

*Less places for memorabilia, photos, extra pieces of furniture.

Some of the benefits:

*Less to maintain

*More freedom

*Rising to the challenge and creating a really WOWZA space!

There are areas you can focus on for your beloved photographs, the top of a small table, a console, or one wall solely dedicated to family and trip memories. Floating shelves are great, also.

SO, either way, here are some great “less is more” ideas for you.


Find two to three great art pieces, or even a great mirror that you LOVE to place in your home. Get rid of those that you really don’t think make a statement or tell that special story. Then, in addition, you can put on the other walls, some other things you love, but at least 1 - 2 impact pieces or great groupings will work nicely for those key areas!

Below are a few great pieces, and yes, you can shop the link to these, but you can also click the link to the entire art and collection I have curated for more great pieces.


A great console piece can really elevate your space, and you can use it for oh, so many things. Not only do they look great, they are great for placing extra lamps on for lighting, providing extra storage, placing below great art or a t.v., or for other places in your home.

Here are a few ideas for you:

Honeycomb storage console decor for home design

Black brown storage console for home design


A fabulous rug is also a way to start building a room, by pulling your color and accent colors out of it. It also an

chors a great space, and with so many people going with luxury vinyl or wood flooring, it cozies up a great area, also!


If you need more than just overhead lighting, floor lamps or wall sconces can give you nice layered lighting without taking up the space that end tables can, or sconce lighting can also do that.

Lamps -Wayfair

Have Less, but be Creative.

Instead of having 40 boxes of random holiday and seasonal decor, pare it down. Use visually interesting containers, and just rotate what goes in them. Just pick 3-4 visual areas to highlight for decor, and find things like table runners that can carry you through many different seasons.

Here’s a great article about maximizing your space - my fav part is the little camper story and pics

Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed this month’s blog post, and remember, celebrate your journey, design your space with things that tell YOUR story, and call me when you are ready for some help with those transitions in your life!

By the way - just a few of my latest projects have included: materials/finishes and color palette selections, several color consultations - seems everyone wants to paint! And, also….I’m currently getting ready to roll out some super affordable e-design packages!



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