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Pure Smiles For You!


As we all hunkered down for many weeks with the many changes the pandemic threw at us, many of you all have met many challenges head on, job changes, job losses, and maybe even combining your own work from home with homeschooling challenges.

I have seen SO many great and encouraging things in the middle of this, though.  Many donations to food banks, volunteers giving of their time and resources and so on.

But just for cheer and fun,

I wanted to share with you what some folks have been doing to keep busy. SO fun!

So, less words and more pics for you! Let me know which of these inspired you!

My friend, Molly, went and got some new Hobby Lobby pillow covers(above pic) and changed up her sofa stylin’.  The polka dot one was so cute!  She also put some easy removable wallpaper for a feature wall in her little girl’s bedroom.

Another friend of mine went the farming route and got some chickens.  She has had to keep them indoors for a while at night because the weather’s been so mild, so there’s a room of hers that looks like the “red light district” with the warmers glowing.  It’s kinda funny.  It’s was a great agricultural lesson for her 8 year old daughter.  They also were able to build a chicken coop in about 30 minutes with a kit from Tractor Supply.

I also have learned that chickens have their own personalities and know their own names!

I was able to complete one project for my client, Dianne, with styling items for her living room, creating a gorgeous,  livable space for her and her precious fur-baby.  Here's a design board I put together for the project. She also received clickable links to order her very special items

Another friend of mine, Michael, who is an actor in NYC re-did some areas of his home with one of my favorite colors:  BLUE! Sort of a mod, mid century, bachelor pad, layering color, wood, and texture, just made it an amazing space.  The thing that’s most awesome is it’s not all just store bought.  It is curated with some memories-turned-art, favorite things, creating his own intentional look.  Don’t ya just loooove?

I also worked on a small personal bathroom projectby painting some shelving white, painting a stool for extra storage, buying fresh new towels and framing my grandson’s art for the space. 

In creating intentional living homes and lifestyles, I have found my clients are brought such joy through this process.  Lessening stress, finding a sense of calm, and I think the pandemic has made people realize that connecting with what’s important is what gets us through.

When you book a discovery call with me (no charge for that) via text or email you will receive a FREE Lovely PDF personally emailed to you "5 Ways to Create Intentional Living In the Home".  

Love all of you!  Stay safe, be kind, and reach out to others during this time, and always.  



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