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Holiday Tips and Tricks

Happy December!

Can you believe we are just a few weeks away from a NEW YEAR? I’m so excited!! Between the pandemic, several personal losses of my own, some of you have also suffered loss, and everyone desperate for hugs and human interaction, I know we are ALL looking forward to 2021.

Sooooo, I’m excited to share with you a few simple, timeless decorating tricks for the season.

Also, as a passionate Intentional Living Designer, I love trying to find new ways to reuse things, so we have LESS to store, LESS to overwhelm, and so on.

And as I am becoming more passionate about minimizing consumerism, accumulating too much stuff, and well, just plain making things easier, it leaves more resources for things that matter most.

So, here are a few little ideas JUST FOR YOU!

Use of Nature:

Decorating with Eucalyptus. Real is great, but for some with allergies, like myself, or perhaps you just want to be able to reuse, you can purchase artificial at Michael's or Hobby Lobby. Eucalyptus can dress up a mantle or table top easily. I know our local farmer’s market carries the real Eucalyptus.


Pinecones are free if you live near someone who will let you have some, or if you are just out and about and it’s legal for you to gather some. You can even paint the tips with some white paint and layer over it with glitter paint! They make such lovely additional decor, to a tray, or to your mantel greenery.

Also, some Timeless Items that can make an impact:

Monogrammed stockings, or table runners. That way you don’t have to pull different out every time, or you can layer underneath. You can even purchase a paint drop cloth and have it made into a tree skirt.

I like to support small businesses when I can. Etsy has some great choices:

You can also use a beloved item such as an heirloom quilt as a tree skirt!

Use what you have, or re-purpose:

Recently, I saw a really cute “window” decor without glass (at Michaels) that had small wreath on it that illuminates. I decided “I can do that!” and went to the Goodwill and got a frame and took out the art and the glass. I re-painted over the gold and made it a little more dimensional with some other slightly darker color underneath, let it dry, then took fishing line and attached my own mini wreath (I already had) and added a holiday spray. Cost? About $5. $4 for the art, and $1.30 or so for the craft paint!

Keep it Simple!

I love this very simple mason jar coffee table holiday/winter setting. You could even paint the branches a lovely white with some craft paint. Minimalist style is a thing of beauty, right?

Photo: Zrínyi Azary Source: Pinterest

Even putting some ornaments in a bowl can make a simple, yet lovely statement such as this:

And lastly, this may have to work for next year....


Stock up on RIBBON for your tree. Grab at least 4-5 rolls of same design, depending on your tree size. Don’t get caught in the people jam. I have discovered if you try to get stuff BEFORE it gets all crowded (October and early November), you have a better selection, less stress, etc. I’ve noticed between myself getting older and the Covid19 stuff, I can’t handle being bunched up with people in the store, it gives me the heebie-jeebies! And stock up on stamps and other things early (probably too late for the post office crowd warning).

Anyway, I hope this helped you at least a little bit. And, for those who are pondering on if you want to get some help for your room or home dilemmas for the new year, the first 3 who reach out to me and book a package or consult before year end (even if it’s for Jan), I will give you a $25 credit towards that!

Have a great Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa season, and don’t forget to remember the gift of love that is most important.

Lastly, send me a one liner to tell me how you are, and what you are up to. I love hearing from Y-O-U! You all are simply the best,





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